Project Challenge
In an 80,000 square foot addition to its already established 600,000+ square feet, a San Antonio technology company wanted to make the most visually stunning section of office space in a space already known for its innovative and fun vibe.

The chosen theme centered around the focal point of the new space called the Toy Shop. We brainstormed ideas around “classic” toys like Spirograph and Slinky as well as more modern forms like Nerf Guns. We wanted to provide at least one transformative experience as we had in some other phases of the space.

The Solution
From Russian Nesting Dolls to Chemistry Set and even a replica dollhouse (fully functional video conference room) — each conference room was named for a specific toy. Some rooms, like Toy Soldiers, proved challenging with imagery. We acquired actual toy soldiers and set up a makeshift photo shoot. We utilized those images with background photos to create the final imagery used in the meeting room. The central Toy Shop area displayed toys (vintage as well as modern) in lighted cases. A very lifelike treehouse featured action figures to complete the look and feel.